Update Date: 30/12/2024
Jafari, A., Mirrashid, M., Hoult, R.D. and Zhou, Y., (2025). Plastic hinge length of RC shear Walls: Practical approximation via Machine learning and probabilistic assessment. Engineering Failure Analysis, p.109179. HTTPS://
Okasha, N. M., Mirrashid, M., Naderpour, H., Ciftcioglu, A. O., Meddage, D. P. P., & Ezami, N. (2024). Machine Learning Approach to Predict the Mechanical Properties of Cementitious Materials Containing Carbon Nanotubes. Developments in the Built Environment, 100494. HTTPS://
Okasha, N.M., Mirrashid, M., Naderpour, H., Nguyen, T.N., Alzo’ubi, A.K. and Alneasan, M., (2024). An innovative formulation for predicting the punching shear behavior in two-way reinforced concrete slabs. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, pp.1-22. HTTPS://
Dadashi, F., Naderpour, H., Mirrashid, M., (2024). Mechanical Property Prediction in Silica Fume and Crumb Rubber-Modified Concrete: Soft Computing and Experimental Approach, HTTPS://
Alzo’ubi, A. K., Alneasan, M., Ibrahim, F., Okasha, N. M., & Mirrashid, M. (2024). Thermal Treatment Effects on Rock Fracture Behaviour Under Three Loading Modes: A Comparative Analysis of Granite and Mudstone. Engineering Failure Analysis, 108092. HTTPS://
Naderpour, H., Abbasi, M., Kontoni, D. P. N., Mirrashid, M., Ezami, N., & Savvides, A. A. (2024). Integrating Image Processing and Machine Learning for the Non-Destructive Assessment of RC Beams Damage. Buildings, 14(1), 214. HTTPS://
Mirrashid, M., Naderpour, H., Incomprehensible but Intelligible-in-Time Logics: Theory and Optimization Algorithm., (2023) Knowledge-Based Systems, 264, no. 1100305. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1016/j.knosys.2023.110305
Nguyen, T. N., Zhang, Dongsheng., Mirrashid, M., Nguyen, Dinh Khuong., Singhatanadgid, Pairod., Fast analysis and prediction approach for geometrically nonlinear bending analysis of plates and shells using artificial neural networks., (2023) Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, DOI: HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1080/15376494.2023.2286626
Ezami, N., Özyüksel Çiftçioğlu, A., Mirrashid, M., Naderpour, H., Advancing Shear Capacity Estimation in Rectangular RC Beams: A Cutting-Edge Artificial Intelligence Approach for Assessing the Contribution of FRP., (2023) Sustainability, 15(22), 16126. DOI: HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.3390/su152216126
Mirrashid, M., Naderpour, H., Kontoni, D.P.N., Jakubczyk-Gałczyńska, A., Jankowski, R. and Nguyen, T.N., Optimized Computational Intelligence Model for Estimating the Flexural Behavior of Composite Shear Walls., (2023) Buildings, 13 (9), p.2358. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.3390/buildings13092358
Maleki, F., Kheyroddin, A., Naderpour, H. and Mirrashid, M., Estimation of the Effective Moment of Inertia for Hybrid Concrete Beams Reinforced with Steel and FRP Bars., (2023) Scientia Iranica. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.24200/SCI.2023.60066.6576
Mirrashid, M., Naderpour, H., Transit Search: An optimization algorithm based on exoplanet exploration., (2022) Results in Control and Optimization, 7, no. 100127. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1016/j.rico.2022.100127
Naderpour, H., Akbari, M., Mirrashid, M. and Kontoni, D.P.N., 2022. Compressive capacity prediction of stirrup-confined concrete columns using neuro-fuzzy system. Buildings, 12(9), p.1386. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.3390/buildings12091386
Mirrashid, M., Naderpour, H., Computational intelligence-based models for estimating the fundamental period of infilled reinforced concrete frames., (2022) Journal of Building Engineering, 46, art. no. 103456. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1016/j.jobe.2021.103456
Chalabi, M., Naderpour, H., Mirrashid, M., Seismic resilience index for RC moment frames of school buildings using neuro-fuzzy approach., (2022) Natural Hazards. HTTPS:// DOI.ORG/10.1007/s11069-022-05377-w
Naderpour, H., Mirrashid, M., Parsa, P., Failure mode prediction of reinforced concrete columns using machine learning methods., (2021) Engineering Structures, 248, art. no. 113263. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1016/j.engstruct.2021.113263
Naderpour, H., Parsa, P., Mirrashid, M., Innovative Approach for Moment Capacity Estimation of Spirally Reinforced Concrete Columns Using Swarm Intelligence-Based Algorithms and Neural Network., (2021) Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 26 (4), art. no. 04021043. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1061/(ASCE)SC.1943-5576.0000612
Naderpour, H., Mirrashid, M.Innovative., Models for Capacity Estimation of Reinforced Concrete Elements in Terms of Soft Computing Techniques., (2021) Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 26 (4), art. no. 04021038. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1061/(ASCE)SC.1943-5576.0000614
Mirrashid, M., Naderpour, H., Recent Trends in Prediction of Concrete Elements Behavior Using Soft Computing (2010–2020)., (2021) Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 28 (4), pp. 3307-3327. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1007/s11831-020-09500-7
Mirrashid, M., Naderpour, H., Innovative Computational Intelligence-Based Model for Vulnerability Assessment of RC Frames Subject to Seismic Sequence., (2021) Journal of Structural Engineering (United States), 147 (3), art. no. 04020350. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002921
Naderpour, H., Haji, M., Mirrashid, M., Shear capacity estimation of FRP-reinforced concrete beams using computational intelligence., (2020) Structures, 28, pp. 321-328. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1016/j.istruc.2020.08.076
Naderpour, H., Mirrashid, M., A novel definition of damage states for structural elements in framed reinforced concrete buildings., (2020) Journal of Building Engineering, 32, art. no. 101479. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1016/j.jobe.2020.101479
Naderpour, H., Mirrashid, M., Estimating the compressive strength of eco-friendly concrete incorporating recycled coarse aggregate using neuro-fuzzy approach., (2020) Journal of Cleaner Production, 265, art. no. 121886. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.121886
Naderpour, H., Mirrashid, M., Bio-inspired predictive models for shear strength of reinforced concrete beams having steel stirrups., (2020) Soft Computing, 24 (16), pp. 12587-12597. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1007/s00500-020-04698-x
Naderpour, H., Mirrashid, M., Proposed soft computing models for moment capacity prediction of reinforced concrete columns., (2020) Soft Computing, 24 (15), pp. 11715-11729. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1007/s00500-019-04634-8
Naderpour, H., Mirrashid, M., Nagai, K., An innovative approach for bond strength modeling in FRP strip-to-concrete joints using adaptive neuro–fuzzy inference system., (2020) Engineering with Computers, 36 (3), pp. 1083-1100. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1007/s00366-019-00751-y
Naderpour, H., Mirrashid, M., Evaluation and Verification of Finite Element Analytical Models in Reinforced Concrete Members., (2020) Iranian Journal of Science and Technology – Transactions of Civil Engineering, 44 (2), pp. 463-480. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1007/s40996-019-00240-8
Naderpour, H., Mirrashid, M., Confinement coefficient predictive modeling of FRP-confined RC columns., (2020) Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, 9 (1), pp. 1-21., HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1520/ACEM20190145
Naderpour, H., Mirrashid, M., Shear strength prediction of RC beams using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system., (2020) Scientia Iranica, 27 (2), pp. 657-670. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.24200/sci.2018.50308.1624
Naderpour, H., Mirrashid, M., Moment Capacity Estimation of Spirally Reinforced Concrete Columns Using ANFIS., (2020) Complex & Intelligent Systems, 6 (1), pp. 97-107. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1007/s40747-019-00118-2
Alizadeh, F., Naderpour, H., Mirrashid, M., Bond strength prediction of the composite rebars in concrete using innovative bio-inspired models., (2020) Engineering Reports, 2 (11), art. no. 12260. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/ 10.1002/eng2.12260
Naderpour, H., Mirrashid, M., A Neuro-Fuzzy Model for Punching Shear Prediction of Slab-Column Connections Reinforced with FRP., (2019) Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering, 3 (1), pp. 16-26., HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.22115/SCCE.2018.136068.1073
Naderpour, H., Mirrashid, M., Classification of failure modes in ductile and non-ductile concrete joints., (2019) Engineering Failure Analysis, 103, pp. 361-375. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1016/j.engfailanal.2019.04.047
Naderpour, H., Nagai, K., Haji, M., Mirrashid, M., Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference modelling and sensitivity analysis for capacity estimation of fiber reinforced polymer-strengthened circular reinforced concrete columns., (2019) Expert Systems, 36 (4), art. no. e12410. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1111/exsy.12410
Naderpour, H., Mirrashid, M., Shear failure capacity prediction of concrete beam-column joints in terms of ANFIS and GMDH., (2019) Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 24 (2), art. no. 04019006. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1061/(ASCE)SC.1943-5576.0000417
Naderpour, H., Mirrashid, M., An innovative approach for compressive strength estimation of mortars having calcium inosilicate minerals., (2018) Journal of Building Engineering, 19, pp. 205-215. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1016/j.jobe.2018.05.012
Naderpour, H., Mirrashid, M., A computational model for Compressive Strength of Mortars Admixed with Mineral Materials., (2018) Computational Engineering and Physical Modeling, 1 (4), pp. 16-25. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.22115/CEPM.2018.136069.1031
Kheyroddin, A., Mirrashid, M., Arshadi, H., An Investigation on the Behavior of Concrete Cores in Suspended Tall Buildings., (2017) Iranian Journal of Science and Technology – Transactions of Civil Engineering, 41 (4), pp. 383-388. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1007/s40996-017-0075-y
Mirrashid, M., Comparison Study of Soft Computing Approaches for Estimation of the Non-Ductile RC Joint Shear Strength., (2017) Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering, 1 (1), pp. 12-28. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.22115/SCCE.2017.46318
Naderpour, H., Mirrashid, M., Compressive strength of mortars admixed with wollastonite and microsilica., (2017) Materials Science Forum, 890 MSF, pp. 415-418. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.4028/
Mirrashid, M., Givehchi, M., Miri, M., Madandoust, R., Performance investigation of Neuro-Fuzzy system for earthquake prediction., (2016) Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 17 (2), pp. 213-223
Mirrashid, M., Earthquake magnitude prediction by adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) based on fuzzy C-means algorithm., (2014) Natural Hazards, 74 (3), pp. 1577-1593., HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1007/s11069-014-1264-7